Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Wednesday 10th December 08

Group meeting to discuss project ideas.

Initially we had though of Christmas being the focus of our piece, but after discussing ideas we thought it would be impractical as we’d then have to do most of the filming before the Christmas holidays, which wouldn’t have left us much time to do it.

Further discussion lead to us deciding on binge drinking and the credit crunch as the focus. However, this is quite a broad subject, so we filtered it down to a few areas for us to look into:
- Definitions of binge drinking
- Methods or preventing binge drinking – banning of ‘happy hour’ etc.
- The credit crunch and its effect on a) people going out drinking
b) bars/clubs

We dicussed ideas which we would require permission to film:
- Interview manager of the Student Union
- Interview/filming in the' Polar Bear' pub
- Filming people outside the student union

We determinted a few questions to ask people about their drinking habbits:
- What is your occupation?
- Do you drink? if yes - how often do you go out drinking?
- How much do you drink? Do you intend to get drunk?
- How would you define 'binge drinking'?

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